Conejo Canyons Open Space

The Conejo Canyons Open Space (aka "Western Plateau") is a visually spectacular area that is rich with natural resources and several miles of multi-purpose trails. Located in the northwest portion of the City, this 1430 acre area was recognized as a community treasure in the 1970s and preserved as permanent open space after a 40-year effort by local residents and government agencies.

Trail Map

Hiking Preparedness

The area contains many of the dominant vegetation types common to Mediterranean climates including coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands, and riparian woodlands. This area is home to populations of rare and endangered plants and animals, and was home to the Chumash for thousands of years. It also contains a regionally significant wildlife corridor that large mammals such as mule deer, mountain lion, bobcat, and coyote depend on for shelter and access to neighboring open space areas. The Conejo Canyons Open Space connects to Wildwood, Arroyo Conejo and Lynnmere Open Space areas.