Congratulations to David Filgas who won $25 as the September ‘Where in the Conejo’ Winner!

The September 1 Where in the Conejo Contest photo was of the Hidden Rim Trail. Of the correct entrants, David was selected at random as the winner of a $25 gift certificate. Congratulations David and thanks to all who entered the contest!
The Hidden Rim Trail in the Conejo Canyon Open Space was revived during the 2015 Annual Fall Trail Work Day. It branches off from the section of the Hill Canyon Fire Road that was previously known at ‘Baxter Fire Road,’ about half way down the hill from Rancho Conejo Blvd. to Hill Canyon at the bottom. The two trails run roughly parallel. We’re really glad that COSCA decided to restore this old trail because it’s much more interesting and fun than the fire road!
We have a new 2-page PDF document that describes a route that starts with the Hidden Rim Trail. The route covers a number of great trails in the Conejo Canyons / Western Plateau, but is quite strenuous at 9.2 miles long and about 1000′ of climbing. We know fit and experienced hikers and mountain bikers will love it!