Listing of New and Updated Hiking and Riding Guides

Published by Steve Clark on

To make it easier to find routes for hiking or riding that will appeal to open space enthusiasts, we are updating and adding to our hiking route pages. The new guides are in PDF format with just two pages so they are easy to download, print and take along with you. These new guides include

  • A list of highlights
  • A general description
  • Important statistics like the length, amount of climbing, available facilities, hazards, trail conditions, etc.
  • Driving directions to the trailhead
  • The elevation profile
  • A map that clearly shows the route that is described
  • There are photos on the last page(s) so you can see what to expect, but you can easily skip printing them if you would like to take a copy of the guide with you.

As well as listing them on their relevant TRAILS menu page, we have collected these new trail guides on a new single page to make it easy to find them.

The first new map in this format is for the Los Robles Open Space area, Los Padres Vista Loop. In addition, in the list of route guides, those with new format will be indicated by an alert icon like this or on the TRAILS area pages.

If you have a favorite route that you would like us to put into this format, please contact us at and we'll try to accommodate you!


Categories: AccomplishmentsTrails


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